College Degrees




Earn a pilot undergraduate degree and start your pilot career through our university partners – Seminole State College of Florida (SSC) and Jacksonville University (JU). Show them what you’re made of, with our world-class qualification.

Combine pilot training with a degree

Begin your career with a college degree to become a pilot. Choose a pilot degree course with one of our College partners and you could graduate with an undergraduate degree and a pilot license:

  • 2-year Associate’s Degree from Seminole State College of Florida (SSC), where you can transfer credits over from your flying courses to your degree.
  • 4-year airline pilot Bachelor’s Degree from Jacksonville University (JU) where you will graduate with a degree in Aviation Management and Flight Operations.

If you dream of flying for a career, as a cadet at our Orlando Flight School, you’ll learn to fly on an impressive fleet of over 90 single-and-multi-engine aircraft, many with glass cockpits and Garmin G1000 Instrumentation.

Our university partners

Seminole State College of Florida (SSC) is located in Sanford, Florida, and is a public institution offering a two-year Associate’s Degree in Arts. Upon completion of the Professional Pilot Program or Accelerated Airline Pilot Track, you can apply to SSC and apply for transfer of up to 27 credits towards your airline pilot degree.

Jacksonville University (JU) is located in Jacksonville, Florida, and is a private institution offering a four-year Bachelor’s Degree in Aviation Management and Flight Operations – making it a great choice for entering an airline pilot degree program. Students would apply and enroll as a JU students, then the flight training is provided by B.A.O.A.S Flight Academy Instructors and equipment.



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